December 2020

How Dems Are Sneakily Destroying Electoral College

Add the Electoral College to the list of American institutions that the Democrats have destroyed (along with education, media, entertainment, Silicon Valley, sports, big cities, the justice system, the family, the FBI-CIA, the Supreme Court, etc.).   By manufacturing massive fraudulent vote counts in the big cities they control, Democrats invalidate suburban and rural votes in […]

Georgia State Senate Report: Election Results ‘Untrustworthy’; Certification Should Be Rescinded

The chairman of the judiciary subcommittee in Georgia that examined evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, has released a scathing 15-page report calling the results of the 2020 election, “untrustworthy” and recommending that the certification of the results be rescinded. Georgia state Sen. William T. Ligon, chairman of the Election Law subcommittee, reached that conclusion after reviewing the […]

Executive Order 13848 and the Stolen Election

The fate of Western civilization, some three thousand years in the making, now hangs by a slender thread. That thread is Executive Order 13848 signed on September 12, 2018. The background to this is that the U.S. president can make law. As Obama said, he had a “pen and a phone” and that was all he needed […]

October 2020

Trump Orders Aides to Halt Talks on COVID-19 Relief

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he has instructed his top aides to stop negotiating with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on future coronavirus stimulus legislation until after the November election. Trump, who is himself currently being treated for COVID-19, accused Pelosi in a series of tweets of “not negotiating in good faith” and seeking “bailouts” for states poorly […]

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