Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Democrats Trapped

Thu May 9, 2019 AT 12:43 PM EDT

The American flag with the Democratic symbol of a donkey on top

Trump Derangement Syndrome has Democrats painted into a corner for the 2020 presidential election.

They’re moving to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt because he refuses to break the law, yet they know nothing is going to come of it. It’s all for show.

House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted to hold Barr in contempt for not handing over a completely unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, even though the law forbids him from releasing grand jury information. They’re basically trying to hold him in contempt for NOT breaking the law.

But Democrats have a bigger problem; they’re trying to placate their radical base that wants impeachment, without actually impeaching President Donald Trump, and Independent voters who do not want impeachment. The contempt action gives the impression that Democrats are making a move on Trump without actually doing anything, which won’t alienate Independents. Can they fool their base long enough to get through the election?  Read Full Story

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