The CIA used cash, promises of safety for their families, and, on occasion, pornography to entice prisoners at Gitmo to become secret agents of the United States, reports London’s Daily Mail. The operation took place at a secret facility on Gitmo known as Penny Lane, but often referred to locally as the Marriott. Prisoners who […]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ripped into President Obama over the Iran deal in a private phone call this weekend, reports the Jerusalem Post. As described by one ally of Netanyahu, Bibi told Obama he’d have to change course with Iran “if he intends to stay the most powerful man on earth.” Sen. Harry Reid […]
The Obama administration signed on to a deal on Iranian nukes this weekend, and no one in Congress seems pleased. Politico reports Senate Dems have pledged to move forward with legislation to impose further sanctions and the GOP reaction was similar. Former Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton called the deal an “abject surrender” and […]
Harry Reid and Senate Democrats invoked the “nuclear” option yesterday by voting to eliminate filibusters for the vast majority of presidential nominations, reports the Washington Post. And the fallout will be immediate. Senate Republicans were furious. The New York Times reports Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas called it tragic, “We have weakened this body permanently, […]
ABC News publishes explosive footage of an al Qaeda linked terrorist who moved to the United States as an Iraq War refugee handling serious weapons, including a Sting missle, which the FBI feared he would send back to insurgents fighting American troops and democracy in Iraq. See the report here. The video is part of […]