July 2016

The Year of ‘Neither’: Why Reuters/Ipsos Is Tweaking Its US Presidential Poll

The Reuters/Ipsos survey has showed lower support for Trump than other polls. The reason? By giving respondents the option of “Neither/Other,” the survey captured ambivalent voters unwilling to commit to either candidate than other major polls, which only offer the choice of “Other.” So changes are now being made in the poll, reports Reuters. Breitbart: No Mention of […]

Hillary’s Big Moment; NKorea: US ‘Crossed Red Line,’ Warns of Confrontation

Hillary Clinton will make history tonight as the first woman in American history to accept the presidential nomination of a major political party, but some aides fear she may be upstaged by more charismatic speakers, not to mention angry Bernie Sanders insurgents, reports the Daily Caller.  The Hill: Dems Fear Trump Arguments on Terrorism AP: N. Korea: US […]

Hillary Becomes First Female Democratic Prez Candidate as Trump Surges in Poll

On Tuesday night of the Democratic convention Hillary Clinton became the first woman to head a major party ticket in American history and was heralded as “a return of the Age of Clinton,” reports NPR. Meanwhile, Republican challenger Donald Trump pulled ahead of Hillary by 7 points in a USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll, according […]

Experts: Russian Bid to Disrupt US Politics with Email Leaks

A U.S. official taking part in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails released by Wikileaks on Friday “indicates beyond a reasonable doubt that it originated in Russia,” reports Reuters. WashTimes: Tim Kaine Promises Bill to Legalize Illegal Immigrants on ‘First 100 Days’ Politico: DNC Sought To Hide Details of Clinton Funding Deal DailyCaller: Racist DNC […]

NY Times Hints Putin May Have Leaked DNC Emails to Aid Trump

The release last Friday of 20,000 stolen mails from the Democratic National Committee computer servers has escalated claims that Russian intelligence is disrupting the 2016 campaign and is helping Donald Trump, reports The New York Times. The Hill: Exploring Russian Ties to The Men Lurking Behind Trump Politico: Former DNC Chairman: Wasserman Schultz Shouldn’t Show ‘For Her […]

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