Thu Aug 4, 2022 AT 10:44 AM EDT
Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell used to be a feared parliamentary knife-fighter who regularly gutted the puny likes of Chuck Schumer, but lately, the blood on the Senate floor is all his. He handed Biden a gun control win by letting 15 Republicans vote for it.
Then he allowed the CHIPS Act to pass, but got played when Schumer and Joe Manchin resurrected a reconciliation bill. Political power is about the present, not the past, and right now, Mitch looks weak and ineffective. The GOP needs to ask itself if keeping the Murder Turtle around is worth it.
Here are some facts. The base despises McConnell, almost as much as McConnell despises the base. After all, the base is all passion and ideology, and McConnell does not cotton to that nonsense. He is all about winning, and he plays the long game.
Uppity voters, with their own ideas about what is important, get in the way. Trump — well, Trump was everything McConnell detests. Emotion. Improvisation. Populism. And moreover, Trump had no respect for either the institutions (including the Senate) or for the folks who had fought their way to the top of them (like Mitch himself). No one was happier to see Trump go than McConnell, and that includes the soon-to-be-unemployed Liz Cheney. Read Full Story