Obama Delays ObamaCare Again, Has Aides Complete Fake Enrollment

Tue Dec 24, 2013 AT 8:01 AM EST

On the last day that Americans could sign up for ObamaCare to be covered in January, President Obama announced he was extending the deadline another 24 hours, reports the Washington Post. Yesterday was a record day for the website, relays Bloomberg, as 1 million users visited the site without causing it to crash. Politico notes that the rollout has taken the same plot line as a horror movie… “just when everything seems settled and people are starting to catch their breath, all of a sudden, it’s back. That’s pretty much any disaster or monster movie. It’s also the story of the ObamaCare rollout.”

Finally, President Obama enrolled in his own Exchange health plan. But, as the Post notes, he won’t actually use it. And London’s DailyMail points out that he sent aides to turn the paper work over in-person, not completing the process over the Internet.

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