Republicans Turn Up Heat on Democrats With Noncitizen Voting Ban

Tue May 21, 2024 AT 9:39 AM EDT

The House is set to vote on a bill that would make it illegal for noncitizens in Washington, D.C., to vote in local elections, with Republicans hoping to push Democrats into a corner just months ahead of the November election.

“A growing number of localities are blurring the lines for noncitizens by allowing them to vote in municipal local elections,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson, who is working on a separate bill to ban noncitizens from voting. “Democrats have expressed a desire to turn noncitizens into voters. That’s what this open border has been all about.” 

Lawmakers will vote on the legislation later this week, which would overturn a local law allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections deciding city laws and electing members of the Council of the District of Columbia. Democrats are looking to thwart those efforts, and House Minority Whip Katherine Clark is urging party members to vote against the bill when it comes to the floor. Read Full Story

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