January 2019

Trump: ‘Surprising’ if I Don’t Declare National Emergency for Wall

President Donald Trump on Thursday gave his strongest indication yet that he may declare a national emergency to circumvent Congress to build a wall along the U.S-Mexico border. Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Trump said it would be “surprising to me” if he did not make an emergency declaration if talks with Democrats fail. “If […]

December 2018

Trump Shares Tweet Claiming Rioting Protesters in France Are Chanting ‘We Want Trump’

President Donald Trump shared a tweet Tuesday claiming protestors in France chanted “We want Trump.” The original tweet came from Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, and said the protests in France over a proposed hike in fuel taxes showed the success of Trump’s administration. “There are riots in socialist France because of radical leftist fuel taxes,” Kirk wrote. […]

July 2018

Trump Will Win This Round With the Deep State

When the cant and emotionalism subside, the Helsinki summit will go down in history as a turning point in this American president’s struggle to disembowel the bipartisan regime of complacency and lassitude he successfully ran against. It may also be a modest inflection point in U.S.-Russian relations. President Trump knew what he was getting into […]

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