January 2021

Donald Trump – Destroyer of the Clinton Dynasty

It’s been a rough couple of months, but I’m done grieving now, and I’m ready to get back in the fight.  But first, a brief celebration is in order.  Let’s reflect on four extraordinary years, ponder for a few minutes what President Donald Trump has accomplished, and consider what the alternative could have been. President […]

January 2020

Socialists Like Bernie Sanders Cash In Big on Ignorance

One of the left’s favored ways of pressing forth leftist policies is to convolute, cloud and confuse, and to otherwise make unclear its real intentions and true designs — because otherwise, if truths be told, most Americans would flee the Democratic Party and vote Republican. Or Libertarian. Or something other than liberal group think. That’s […]

October 2019

Pompeo Rejects Dem Demands for Officials’ Testimony

(Getty Images) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday that five current and former State Department officials would not show up for depositions scheduled by House Democrats in connection with their impeachment inquiry. Pompeo asserted that the committee’s demand for testimony from five current and former State Department officials beginning this week raised “significant legal and procedural […]

June 2019

‘Poor People’s Campaign’ Forum Hosting 10 2020 Democrats Draws Crowd of Only Hundreds

Social justice group Poor People’s Campaign hosted a forum Monday featuring several prominent Democratic presidential candidates, yet only a few hundred people showed up in attendance. The event was held at Trinity Washington University in Washington, D.C., and featured Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Kamala Harris of California, and Michael Bennet […]

January 2019

Grassroots Republicans Sticking With Trump as Government Shutdown Drags On

Grassroots Republicans are sticking with President Donald Trump as an historic partial shutdown of the federal government continues with no end in sight amid a partisan spat over immigration. That was the consensus report from Republican National Committee members Wednesday as they gathered from around the country for an annual winter business meeting. In interviews, […]

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