October 2019

Trump Says He Doesn’t Want NYT in White House

President Donald Trump said Monday that he doesn’t want to have copies of The New York Times in the White House anymore and suggested he would terminate the subscription. “We don’t even want it in the White House anymore,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an interview that aired Monday night. “We’re going to probably terminate […]

July 2019

Trump’s ‘Racist’ Tweets a Reminder Most Troubled U.S. Cities Run by Dems

Boards cover the front end of an abandoned row of homes in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) Democrats condemned Monday as racist President Donald Trump’s broadside at “rodent infested” Baltimore, but the blast also came as a reminder that most troubled major U.S. cities have been dominated for decades by one party, and it isn’t the GOP. Cities like Baltimore, […]

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