August 2016

Poll: Record Number of Americans Dislike Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s image is at its lowest point with Americans in 25 years of public service, with 56 percent of adults viewing her unfavorably in The Washington Post/ABC News survey released Wednesday, reports The Hill. AP: Questions Trump May Tackle In Anticipated Immigration Speech NY Post: Clinton Emailed Classified Info After Leaving State: Report WashTimes: IRS Doesn’t Tell […]

Hillary Studies Trump’s Psyche for Debate; Poll: Hillary Has 6-Point Lead

Hillary Clinton’s team is conducting intensive, wide-ranging research into Donald Trump’s debating style and deepest insecurities as they devise strategies to undermine his performance at the first presidential debate in four weeks, The New York Times reports. The Hill: Poll: Clinton Has 6-Point Lead Over Trump Daily Caller: The Premise of One of Hillary’s Favorite ‘I Helped the […]

Trump Plans Detailed Immigration Talk as Questions Remain

Recent confusion over Donald Trump’s actual position on immigration may be dispelled when he delivers a planned speech Wednesday on his proposal to crack down on illegal immigration, reports AP. LATimes: He Was a Billionaire Who Donated to the Clinton Foundation. Last Year, He Was Denied Entry Into the US WashTimes: Obama Will Bypass Senate, Ratify […]

Judicial Watch: Hillary Clinton Withheld or Deleted Benghazi Related Documents

Judicial Watch states that some of the 14,900 federal documents Hillary Clinton is said to have failed to turn over to the State Department in 2014 are related to the Benghazi attacks, reports The Daily Caller. The Hill: Poll: Clinton Leads Trump By 2 Points In Florida AP: The Latest: Trump Says ‘Nobody Even Knows’ What Alt-Right […]

Poll: Hillary’s Lead Shrinks to 3 Points; Sessions Supports Trump Immigration Plans

Hillary Clinton’s lead over her Republican presidential rival Donald Trump has shrunk to 3 points, with Clinton leading Trump 47 to 44 percent in the Economist/YouGov online poll of registered voters, reports The Hill. Politico: Ethicists Scoff at Clinton Foundation Transition Plan The Hill: Sessions: ‘I Can Be Supportive’ of Trump’s Immigration Plans Newsmax: WikiLeaks’ Assange: ‘Unexpected Angles’ in […]

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