The Racine County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday detailed eight cases of election fraud in 2020 that took place at a nursing home. The investigation began after a woman identified as “Judy” discovered that her mother, who died before the election, allegedly voted by absentee ballot in the final days of her life, despite experiencing “severe […]
Truth Social, the new social media platform that former President Donald Trump says he is rolling out, will combat censorship and the “self-righteous scolds and self-appointed arbiters” who he said decide what everyone else is allowed to “think, say, share, and do.” “The corruption of these platforms cannot be ignored,” Trump said in a statement issued […]
A business group representing wholesalers told President Joe Biden that jobs will be lost if he follows through with requiring companies with federal contracts to have their employees vaccinated. Eric Hoplin, president and CEO of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, laid out the case against the mandates and urged the president to back off his edict in a […]
A bipartisan group of House lawmakers on Thursday called for creating a system that would ensure the continuity of government’s legislative, executive, and judicial branches in the event of a catastrophe. “Large-scale events could quickly alter elections or render the House unable to achieve a quorum,” the lawmakers wrote. “In a closely contested Congress . […]
Sen. Chuck Grassley’s, R-Iowa, enthusiastic appearance at a Trump event in Iowa over the weekend shows that the former president has further strengthened his grip on the GOP following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. The Iowa senator’s eagerness to stand next to former President Donald Trump at a boisterous rally in Des Moines only days after […]