March 2023

Senate Votes to End COVID-19 Emergency After Biden Signals No Veto

The Senate approved a resolution 68-23 Wednesday to end the COVID-19 public health emergency crisis after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told Democrats the White House wouldn’t veto it, according to a Senate Democratic source. The announcement from the Senate majority leader opened the floodgates for Democrats to back the resolution. Nine Democrats and one Independent  joined with all Republicans to end the […]

Poll: Most Americans Give Thumbs Up to GOP Energy Package

The majority of voters say they approve of an energy package by House Republicans that is designed to increase production and lower costs, according to a new poll. The survey comes as the House GOP plans to debate and pass the wide-ranging package in the coming days while President Biden and Senate Democrats say it’s […]

Rand Paul: ‘I Wouldn’t Vaccinate My Children’

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said Thursday he “wouldn’t vaccinate my children” for COVID-19 out of concerns of the risk of heart inflammation. “I think the risks of the vaccine are greater than the risks of the disease. The risks of the disease are almost non-existent.”  Paul proposed that young people only take one COVID-19 vaccine dose instead […]

Republican Threatens Subpoena Over Documents on Afghanistan Withdrawal

The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee is threatening to subpoena Secretary of State Antony Blinken if he doesn’t provide requested documents related to the 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Texas GOP Rep. Michael McCaul wrote a letter to Blinken Monday demanding he provide all requested documents, stating, “The Committee has an obligation to investigate how these grievous […]

Trump Maintains Front-Runner Status Over DeSantis in New Poll

Former President Donald Trump remains the front-runner of the emerging GOP presidential primary field and maintains a double-digit lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who hasn’t launched a 2024 campaign but is considered the ex-president’s main rival, according to a new poll. The Quinnipiac University Poll found 46% of Republican and Republican-leaning voters prefer Trump compared to […]

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