April 2024

McConnell: Main Goal Is GOP Senate

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says his main focus at this point is making sure Republicans regain control of the upper chamber.  “What I want to do and what I’m focused on is not the presidential race, but getting the Senate back. I’ve been the majority leader, I’ve been the minority leader. Majority is better,” he told CBS’ “Face the […]

Sen. Vance: Congress Will Say No to More Aid for Ukraine

Conservative skeptics of funding the war in Ukraine predict it will be the last major U.S. aid package for Kyiv that passes.  “If Ukraine thinks that it’s getting another $60 billion supplemental out of the United States Congress, there’s no way,” said Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, who led the opposition among Senate Republicans.  National security […]

Hawley, Cotton Call for National Guard Over College Gaza Protests

GOP Sens. Josh Hawley of Missouri and Tom Cotton of Arkansas called on President Joe Biden Monday to deploy the National Guard to colleges where pro-Palestinian protesters have staged sit-ins and other disruptive activities to focus public attention on the conflict in the Middle East.  Cotton called on the Biden administration to “break up” the pro-Palestinian groups on Columbia’s […]

NATO Allies Prepare for Trump Presidency

Polish President Andrzej Duda joined the list of foreign leaders beating a path to Donald Trump’s door this week, in the latest European acknowledgment of the Republican’s clout as a once-and-possibly-future president of the United States. “It was a friendly meeting in a very nice atmosphere,” Duda told Polish media after his Wednesday evening dinner. Trump struck a […]

Speaker Johnson to Offer Separate Measures on Ukraine, Israel

House Speaker Mike Johnson revealed on Monday night his proposal to pass separate measures this week to send aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.  Johnson’s plan intends to satisfy his right flank as well as national security hawks by separating the bills and providing billions of dollars in aid to the three nations. There is no guarantee these funding bills […]

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