US Military Seeks to Rent Space in Trump Tower

Wed Feb 8, 2017 AT 12:03 PM EST

CNN reports that the Department of Defense is seeking to rent space in President Trump’s New York skyscraper, Trump Tower, a move that could funnel government money into the Trump Organization. The U.S. military agency is “working through appropriate channels . . . to acquire a limited amount of leased space in Trump Tower,” Lt. Col. J.B. Brindle, a Pentagon spokesman, said late Tuesday. Military support for a president, including the staff assigned keep the “nuclear football” nearby, requires close proximity to the commander-in-chief. Leasing agent Jared Horowitz said the floors available to rent cost about $1.5 million a year. Trump Tower is owned by the Trump Organization, which is headquartered there, and Trump owns a triplex penthouse there.


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