WSJ Op-Ed – You Can’t Keep Your Doctor Either, WaPo Gives Full Story Behind Massive Fail of ObamaCare Website

Mon Nov 4, 2013 AT 6:00 AM EST

Last week’s ObamaCare disaster was the realization by millions of Americans that they couldn’t actually keep the health insurance plan they liked. This week’s may just be the realization that they can’t keep their doctors either. The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed from a cancer survivor and current patient struggling to find a health insurance plan that would allow her to keep the same team of doctors that has saved her life.

The Washington Post reports the full-story behind the massive failure of the ObamaCare website – in May 2010, the “adults in the room” in the Obama White House (Larry Summers and Peter Orszag) urged Obama to appoint a “czar” to oversee implementation of ObamaCare. Obama’s health care policy team argued that they could handle it on their own. Paralyzed by fear of Republican criticism, Obama chose the health care policy analysts – even though none of them had ever run a business of any size.


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