
Tue Mar 1, 2016 AT 11:37 AM EST

As Super Tuesday voting begins, many top strategists, party leaders and other political figures in key voting states expect both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to win most of today’s primaries, likely making them practically unstoppable in the race for their respective parties’ nomination, reports Politico.

Mon Feb 29, 2016 AT 11:29 AM EST

In the excitement leading up to Super Tuesday primaries, Donald Trump’s rivals are scrambling in an attempt to prevent him from  becoming an “unstoppable” force, as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio attack his character, reports AP.

Fri Feb 26, 2016 AT 11:39 AM EST

Marco Rubio continued his intensive verbal assault on Donald Trump Friday morning as his allies prepared to spend millions on new attack ads in key states, reports AP.

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