May 2019

Pompeo: Trump’s Claim Kerry Violated Logan Act Is ‘True’

John Kerry (Getty Images) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday he believes President Donald Trump was correct when he suggested former secretary of state John Kerry violated the Logan Act. “It’s true. I was there in Munich . . . I saw not only Kerry . . . [others] met with the Iranian leadership,” […]

Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Democrats Trapped
The American flag with the Democratic symbol of a donkey on top

Trump Derangement Syndrome has Democrats painted into a corner for the 2020 presidential election. They’re moving to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt because he refuses to break the law, yet they know nothing is going to come of it. It’s all for show. House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted to hold Barr in contempt […]

September 2018

Trump Jr.: White House Circle of Trust Is ‘Much Smaller’ Following Op-ed, Woodward Book

Donald Trump Jr. lamented on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday that the number of White House aides his father trusts is “much smaller” in the wake of allegations that some inside the Trump administration have sought to subvert portions of the president’s agenda. “I think there are people in there that he can trust, […]

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