April 2020

Reopening Economy Emerges as New Political Battleground

As Washington policymakers scramble to contain the fallout from the coronavirus crisis, the question of how quickly to reopen the economy has emerged as the latest political battleground dividing the two parties. Behind President Donald Trump, Republicans are increasingly eager to get businesses reopened and customers into their doors, warning that a prolonged economic shutdown — […]

May 2018

Gingrich Praises Trump’s Tough Talk on North Korea, Invokes Ronald Reagan

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich praised President Donald Trump’s North Korea strategy Thursday on “Fox & Friends” while invoking former President Ronald Reagan. “Trump has ratcheted up the pressure — he’s made it very real,” Gingrich said. “I actually thought that Secretary Pompeo’s speech about the Iranians was also aimed at the North Koreans. It […]

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