September 2019

Trump Job Approval Rises Amid Record Partisan Gap: Gallup

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert) President Donald Trump’s job approval rating rose 4 percentage points in a Gallup poll released Thursday that also found the partisan divide between Republicans and Democrats at a record high. The president’s approval rating now stands at 43 percent, compared to 39 percent in August, according to the polling giant. Gallup also noted that the 86-point gap between […]

Trump Officials Tour Empty California FAA Facility as Potential Site to Relocate Homeless: Report

(AP) A California facility once used by the Federal Aviation Administration was toured by a team of Trump administration officials searching for sites to relocate the state’s homeless population, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.  The Post, citing three government officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reports the facility that was toured is located in or near […]

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