November 2020

Understanding Head-Spinning Series of Court Orders in Georgia

If you’re wondering what happened in Georgia on Sunday, you’re not alone. A federal district court issued three different orders about county officials’ plans to wipe Dominion voting machines. Thankfully, the last order gets it right and stops Georgia officials from erasing information on voting machines at the heart of the debate about election fraud. Word […]

January 2020

In 2020, It’s Democrats’ Absurdity vs. Trumpian Common Sense

Bernie Sanders thinks Americans want a revolution. No, we want sanity! It may be a new year and a new decade, but it looks like Democrats are determined to continue their descent into utter foolishness. As we approach the 2020 presidential election, voters will weigh policies and opinions that have been pushed by the party’s […]

October 2019

Trump Confirms Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Replacement Has Also Been Killed

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that the terrorist who would have replaced the now-deceased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the leader of ISIS has also been killed by U.S. forces. “Most likely would have taken the top spot — Now he is also Dead!” Trump wrote. Al-Baghdadi was killed over the weekend in a raid conducted by […]

September 2019

Trump Chides UN: ‘Future Does Not Belong to Globalists’

(AP) “Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.” — President Donald Trump President Donald Trump slammed globalism and defended national sovereignty during his Tuesday speech to the United Nations General Assembly, asserting that the “future does not belong to globalists.” The president took the stage Tuesday morning […]

Trump: Democrats ‘Not Big Believers in Religion’

(AP) President Donald Trump claimed during his Monday night rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, that the Democratic Party does not put much stock in religion and that their attempts to appeal to religious voters are ineffective. “The other side, I don’t think they’re big believers. They’re not big believers in religion, that I can tell […]

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