June 2020

Bolton Publishing Fracas Is Swamp Game That Needs to End

Having failed to knock President Donald Trump from office, former national security adviser John Bolton is working on a second swing at the president, this time with the release of his tell-all memoirs just ahead of elections.   He’s running into interference from the White House, however, which is raising questions as to whether “public service” should always […]

February 2020

Trump Campaign Bashes Democrats’ Iowa Chaos While Celebrating Booming Economy

President Donald Trump’s campaign celebrated the United States’ booming economy while bashing the chaos of the Iowa caucuses. The U.S. economy added 225,000 jobs in January, while the unemployment rate rose slightly to 3.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report — about 80,000 more jobs than were added in December. These job numbers smashed predictions: Economists had predicted that […]

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