January 2019

Liberals Lose Their Minds Over Trump’s Plan to Address the Nation

As President Donald Trump prepares to address the nation from the Oval Office on the situation on the U.S. southern border, Democrats are demanding equal time to give their “side” of the issue. This is not normal. The State of the Union has an official response, not a presidential address to the nation. But liberals […]

August 2018

GOP Senator: If Trump Colluded With Russia the World Would Already Know

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., pushed back against former CIA Director John Brennan‘s claims that there is evidence of President Trump colluding with Russia during the 2016 election, saying if there was such evidence “the entire world would already know.” “If there is a scintilla of evidence that the president colluded with the Russians and Brennan had that evidence, the […]

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