July 2019

Gingrich: Trump Tweets Cleverly Reattached Leftist ‘Squad’ to Dem Party

(AP) President Donald Trump’s attack on left-wing congresswomen, including a jab that they should “go back” to their homelands, created a furor. But former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says it may be an example of Trump’s strategic genius. “It is useful to remember Trump doesn’t play tic-tac-toe. He plays chess, and he’s very often setting […]

May 2018

Gingrich Praises Trump’s Tough Talk on North Korea, Invokes Ronald Reagan

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich praised President Donald Trump’s North Korea strategy Thursday on “Fox & Friends” while invoking former President Ronald Reagan. “Trump has ratcheted up the pressure — he’s made it very real,” Gingrich said. “I actually thought that Secretary Pompeo’s speech about the Iranians was also aimed at the North Koreans. It […]

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