June 2020

Trump Warns Protesters Ahead of Tulsa Rally

President Donald Trump on Friday warned individuals against protesting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, ahead of his Saturday campaign rally there, suggesting any demonstrators would be treated harshly. “Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” […]

Barr Denies Protesters Cleared to Make Way for Trump Church Visit

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday said there was “no correlation” between law enforcement aggressively dispersing protesters from Lafayette Square near the White House and President Donald Trump’s walk to nearby St. John’s Church shortly thereafter, a visit he defended as “entirely appropriate.” Barr, who ordered law enforcement to expand their perimeter another block away from the White House on Monday evening, […]

December 2018

Trump Shares Tweet Claiming Rioting Protesters in France Are Chanting ‘We Want Trump’

President Donald Trump shared a tweet Tuesday claiming protestors in France chanted “We want Trump.” The original tweet came from Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, and said the protests in France over a proposed hike in fuel taxes showed the success of Trump’s administration. “There are riots in socialist France because of radical leftist fuel taxes,” Kirk wrote. […]

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