December 2019

Trump Taunts House Democrats on Impeachment: ‘Do It Now, Fast’

President Donald Trump on Thursday brazenly urged House Democrats whom he claimed are already hell-bent on impeaching him to get it over with already, so he could plead his case during a “fair” trial in the Republican-controlled Senate. The president’s directive to lawmakers came one day after the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony from constitutional scholars on […]

November 2019

Republicans Preview Impeachment Defense Strategy

Republicans are signaling how they intend to punch back against the fast-paced impeachment inquiry, marking a shift from defense to offense after Democrats scrutinized President Donald Trump’s contacts with Ukraine during two weeks of public hearings. The president and his supporters appear more energized in the impeachment fight, despite several current and former government officials telling […]

Trump’s 2020 Opponent Advantage

America is one year away from the most consequential and negative campaign most have seen. So important and virulent, it is worth taking stock of now. Both sides have great weaknesses, which present the other great opportunities. However, the greater opportunity is Donald Trump’s, so despite his seemingly perilous position, the election remains his to lose. Next […]

October 2019

Trump Confirms Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Replacement Has Also Been Killed

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that the terrorist who would have replaced the now-deceased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the leader of ISIS has also been killed by U.S. forces. “Most likely would have taken the top spot — Now he is also Dead!” Trump wrote. Al-Baghdadi was killed over the weekend in a raid conducted by […]

Trump Blasts Dems: They Always Opposed Endless Wars Until I Withdrew From Syria

It’s truly amazing to see how passionately Democrats are suddenly supporting the idea of American Empire: a worldwide presence of U.S. troops, with a focus on the Middle East. For decades, Democrats said they opposed endless wars, but from the very moment Donald Trump became president, the party’s leaders have become more hawkish than George […]

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