August 2019

Trump: Israel Shouldn’t Let Omar, Tlaib Visit Country

(AP) President Donald Trump on Thursday said Israel should not allow two U.S. congresswomen with whom he has feuded to enter the country for an upcoming trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Trump tweeted that it would show “great weakness” on Israel’s part if it allowed Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., the first […]

July 2019

DHS: Fewer Illegal Crossings in June, but Border Still in Crisis

(Getty Images) U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended 104,000 people crossing the southwestern border last month, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday. That number is a substantial decline from May, when CBP reported apprehending over 144,000, predominantly families and unaccompanied children. According to DHS, “[t]he reduction in apprehensions accounts for decreases across all demographics, including unaccompanied […]

February 2019

Trump on Spending Deal: ‘We’re Building the Wall Anyway’

President Donald Trump on Monday said he would build his long-desired wall along the southern border regardless of whether Congress approves funding for it. “Just so you know, we’re building the wall anyway,” Trump said at a campaign rally in El Paso, Texas, which sits directly across the Rio Grande from Mexico. Trump spoke shortly […]

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