August 2020

5 Reasons Trump Is Going to Crush Biden

As the smoke clears following President Donald Trump’s reelection, revealing the shattered ruins of the Democrats’ hopes and dreams of implementing their own Lil’ Venezuela in the Land of the Free, all the smart blue check Twitter people will be rubbing their heads — sissy drinks make for the worst hangovers — and explaining, “Well, of […]

May 2020

Lee Zeldin Blasts Proxy Voting After More Than 70 Dem No-Shows

Republican New York Rep. Lee Zeldin admonished more than 70 Democrats who voted by proxy during Wednesday’s legislative session in Congress.  Speaking outside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Zeldin criticized Democrats who elected not to be present because of the coronavirus pandemic and submitted their votes through Democratic House members assembled in the chamber.  “I […]

January 2020

Socialists Like Bernie Sanders Cash In Big on Ignorance

One of the left’s favored ways of pressing forth leftist policies is to convolute, cloud and confuse, and to otherwise make unclear its real intentions and true designs — because otherwise, if truths be told, most Americans would flee the Democratic Party and vote Republican. Or Libertarian. Or something other than liberal group think. That’s […]

February 2019

Trump on Spending Deal: ‘We’re Building the Wall Anyway’

President Donald Trump on Monday said he would build his long-desired wall along the southern border regardless of whether Congress approves funding for it. “Just so you know, we’re building the wall anyway,” Trump said at a campaign rally in El Paso, Texas, which sits directly across the Rio Grande from Mexico. Trump spoke shortly […]

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