September 2020

GOP Votes to Authorize Subpoenas, Depositions in Obama-Era Probe

Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted on Wednesday to greenlight subpoenas and depositions as part of an investigation into the FBI’s Russia probe and the Obama administration. The 8-6 party line vote authorizes Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the chairman of the committee, to issue a combination of subpoenas and set up closed-door […]

August 2019

Who’s Using Baltimore?

A row of abandoned buildings in Baltimore (Getty Images) The truth behind President Donald Trump’s recent tweets about Baltimore became crystal clear the moment Al Sharpton got involved and the media echoed “racism.” It’s all just another race-hustling con game from the masters of exploiting fake grievances. When the president riffed on Rep. Elijah Cummings, […]

July 2019

Trump’s ‘Racist’ Tweets a Reminder Most Troubled U.S. Cities Run by Dems

Boards cover the front end of an abandoned row of homes in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) Democrats condemned Monday as racist President Donald Trump’s broadside at “rodent infested” Baltimore, but the blast also came as a reminder that most troubled major U.S. cities have been dominated for decades by one party, and it isn’t the GOP. Cities like Baltimore, […]

Sarah Sanders: Democrats Should ‘Quit Lying and Do Their Jobs’

(AP) Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday mocked Democrats following special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress the previous day, saying Democrats should “quit lying and do their jobs.” “Almost feel sorry for the Democrats: they said @realDonaldTrump would lose-he won; said he’d ruin our economy-it’s booming; and when all else failed said he’s […]

May 2019

More Americans Say Trump Has Presidential Qualities: Gallup

More Americans now say President Donald Trump has the personality and leadership qualities a president should have than they did two years ago, according to a new poll. Forty percent of Americans surveyed in the Gallup Poll released Tuesday said that Trump has presidential qualities. That percentage has risen from 33% in 2017. The new Gallup poll of 1,024 adults […]

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