March 2020

McConnell to Rip Schumer Over Remarks About SCOTUS Justices

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to rip Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer Thursday over his remarks that two Supreme Court justices would “pay the price” on abortion. McConnell will denounce the New York Democrat and his comments on the Senate floor, alleging the minority leader threatened Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. “Contrary to what the Democratic leader has tried to claim, he […]

February 2020

Mike Pence Takes Charge in Fight Against Coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence took control of the U.S. response to the coronavirus Thursday by pledging an “all hands on deck” effort, hoping to contain panic over the outbreak that fueled another rout on Wall Street. Mr. Pence toured an operations center that is tracking the disease known as COVID-19 and said he has reached […]

January 2020

WH Announces Task Force to Monitor Coronavirus

The White House on Wednesday announced the formation of a task force to monitor the coronavirus as global health officials seek to combat the outbreak of the disease in China. Press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement that the task force has met daily since Monday and will lead the government response to monitor and contain the disease. President Donald […]

Socialists Like Bernie Sanders Cash In Big on Ignorance

One of the left’s favored ways of pressing forth leftist policies is to convolute, cloud and confuse, and to otherwise make unclear its real intentions and true designs — because otherwise, if truths be told, most Americans would flee the Democratic Party and vote Republican. Or Libertarian. Or something other than liberal group think. That’s […]

February 2019

2020 Poll: Trump Re-Election Likely if Schultz Runs

A new national survey testing the popularity of a center-left independent presidential bid, like that of former Starbucks chief Howard Schultz, would rob enough votes from the Democratic nominee to help President Donald Trump win a second term. For every Republican who defected to the third party candidate, five Democrats would switch. And in the end, […]

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