September 2020

Trump Rips Black Lives Matter Protesters in Pittsburgh: ‘Thugs!’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday slammed a group of protesters after a video went viral this week showing demonstrators confronting diners eating outdoors at a restaurant in Pittsburgh. “BLM Protesters horribly harass elderly Pittsburgh diners, scaring them with loud taunts while taking their food right off their plate. These Anarchists, not protesters, are Biden voters, […]

March 2020

McConnell to Rip Schumer Over Remarks About SCOTUS Justices

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to rip Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer Thursday over his remarks that two Supreme Court justices would “pay the price” on abortion. McConnell will denounce the New York Democrat and his comments on the Senate floor, alleging the minority leader threatened Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. “Contrary to what the Democratic leader has tried to claim, he […]

January 2020

McConnell to Announce Rules for Impeachment Trial Without Democrats

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to move ahead with rules for an impeachment trial without an agreement from Democrats, an individual familiar with the matter told the Washington Examiner. The agreement does not address the fact that the House of Representatives has not sent over articles of impeachment, and Republicans still plan to wait to receive […]

February 2019

Defund It Already

Why are taxpayers still supporting Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider? Early last September, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) polled its members — more than 150 of the most conservative congressmen in the House of Representatives — and asked them to list their priorities for a bill to fund the Departments of Labor, Health […]

January 2019

Liberals Lose Their Minds Over Trump’s Plan to Address the Nation

As President Donald Trump prepares to address the nation from the Oval Office on the situation on the U.S. southern border, Democrats are demanding equal time to give their “side” of the issue. This is not normal. The State of the Union has an official response, not a presidential address to the nation. But liberals […]

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