October 2019

Trump Says He Doesn’t Want NYT in White House

President Donald Trump said Monday that he doesn’t want to have copies of The New York Times in the White House anymore and suggested he would terminate the subscription. “We don’t even want it in the White House anymore,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an interview that aired Monday night. “We’re going to probably terminate […]

September 2019

Senate Cool to Idea of Impeaching Kavanaugh as Allegations Fizzle

Impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is heating up the Democratic campaign trail, but that trail runs cold in the Senate. Lawmakers had little enthusiasm for trying to oust a sitting Supreme Court justice, despite a new book claiming to provide evidence of decades-old sexual misconduct. “I think we do need to clear this up,” Sen. […]

September 2018

Repetitive Trump Attacks Losing Their Power

Anyone out there remember details from the infamous, anonymous New York Times op-ed? Anyone? It was just one in a long line of intense, coordinated, strategic attacks on President Trump and his administration which arrive like clockwork daily, and every other word is “chaos.” Endless attacks are not without risk, though. They can backfire. They are short-lived. They […]

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