Thu May 16, 2013 AT 10:22 AM EDT
House Speaker John Boehner escalated the rhetoric Wednesday, telling reporters that his question “isn’t about who’s going to resign” over the controversy. “My question is, who’s going to jail?” the Ohio Republican said at a press conference with fellow House Republican leaders Wednesday morning, according to The Washington Times. Sen. Marco Rubio addressed the Obama administration’s various and developing scandals and compared them to third world dictatorships:
“So in the span of four days, [there were] three major revelations about the use of government power to intimidate those who are doing things that the government doesn’t like. These are the tactics of the third world. These are the tactics of places that don’t have the freedoms and the independence that we have here in this country. And it is shocking to Americans that this would come to light in the way that it has. I would submit to you, however, that none of this is new. That what we see emerging here is a pattern, a culture, a culture of intimidation, of hardball politics that we saw both on the campaign trail and now through the apparatus of government.”
One such apparatus of government: Lois Lerner, the senior executive in charge of the IRS tax exemption department and the federal employee at the center of the exploding scandal over the IRS targeting of conservative, evangelical and pro-Israel non-profits, was given $42,531 in bonuses between 2009 and 2011. That figure was included in data provided by the IRS in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by The Washington Examiner.