Crenshaw Reminds CHAZ Anarchists Why They Can’t Demand List of Supplies

Mon Jun 15, 2020 AT 4:53 PM EDT

Anarchists in Seattle have for days been “running” a police-free area of the city that they originally named the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. But as Congressman Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, pointed out over the weekend, they are far from being “autonomous” if they are requesting supplies from the real world.

Among the items needed on a sign posted in the area are clothes, Gatorade, tents, backpacks, body lotion, shoes, laundry bags, sunglasses, and other supplies.

“I just want to remind all that when you create an ‘autonomous zone,’ you don’t get to demand a long list of supplies from the orderly capitalist society that you are rebelling against,” the congressman pointed out. “Kind of defeats the meaning of ‘autonomous.’” Read Full Story

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