Freedom Caucus: Cancel Recess Unless Speaker Is Elected

Tue Oct 24, 2023 AT 12:18 PM EDT

House Republicans in the conservative Freedom Caucus are demanding party leaders cancel their upcoming two-week recess until lawmakers can elect a new speaker. 

The House is scheduled to adjourn on Friday and not return until the second week of November, leaving lawmakers with only two weeks to pass some sort of spending bill to avoid a government shutdown on Nov. 17. “Intentional and unnecessary delays must end. It serves only the lobbyists of the swamp and defenders of the status quo to continue to drag out this process,” the caucus said in a statement on Monday.

“Republican leadership should have kept Republicans in Washington over the weekend. Our work is not done,” the caucus said in a statement on Monday. “Intentional and unnecessary delays must end. It serves only the lobbyists of the swamp and defenders of the status quo to continue to drag out this process,” the caucus said in a statement on Monday. Read Full Story

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