GOP Aims to Shut Down DHS Board With Former Obama Officials

Thu Sep 28, 2023 AT 10:11 AM EDT

House Republicans said Wednesday they will try to shut down a new Homeland Security intelligence panel, whose members include several Obama administration figures who spread disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The chief targets are James Clapper, who was director of national intelligence, and John Brennan, who ran the Central Intelligence Agency. They took part in an effort during the 2020 campaign to castigate Hunter Biden’s laptop as a Russian disinformation plot, when in fact it was authentic.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas earlier this month named them to his new Homeland Intelligence Experts Group.

Rep. August Pfluger, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee’s subcommittee on intelligence, said the panel is a waste of resources and its members are an embarrassment.

“These men abused their positions of power perpetuating the Russia Hoax and serving as partisan operatives for the Democrat Party,” the Texas Republican said. Read Full Story

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