
Thu Jun 27, 2024 AT 10:15 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign will air a pair of 30-second ads during Thursday night’s debate with President Joe Biden, including one that asks viewers if they are better off financially or if the country is more secure since Biden took office.

“After four years of failure under Joe Biden, it’s time to make America prosperous and strong again,” a narrator says. 

The other suggests Biden would be unable to serve a full second term due to his age and health, stating, “Vote Joe Biden today, and (Vice President) Kamala Harris tomorrow.” Read Full Story

Tue Jun 25, 2024 AT 10:00 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump called on President Joe Biden to take a drug test ahead of Thursday’s presidential debate, noting he would take one as well. 

“DRUG TEST FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN??? I WOULD, ALSO, IMMEDIATELY AGREE TO ONE!!!” Trump wrote in caps Monday on Truth Social. 

The former president and his allies have often characterized Biden as feeble and unfit for office and have repeatedly suggested Biden could take a performance enhancing drug before the debate.

Biden and Trump are heading into Thursday’s debate neck and neck in the polls. Trump currently has a slight 1.6 percentage point lead over Biden, per a national polling index by The Hill/Decision Desk HQ. Read Full Story

Thu Jun 20, 2024 AT 10:07 AM EDT

Democrats no longer hold the advantage among Latinos they once did on immigration, according to a new poll.

Once a reliable Democrat voting bloc, many Latinos are increasingly identifying as independent, and working-class voters are leaning more toward the GOP.

An Equis poll released Tuesday of Latino voters in seven battleground states found 41% trust former President Donald Trump on immigration compared to 38% for President Joe Biden. 

And, according to a recent Axios-Ipsos Latino poll, the top issue among the Latino community was inflation or the economy rather than immigration.

Biden is stepping up Hispanic outreach in key states like Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia, among others, while Trump recently launched his own targeted effort, creating a Latino Americans for Trump coalition. Read Full Story

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