Inside the NSA’s Secret Chines Hacking Group Revealed by Snowden

Thu Jun 13, 2013 AT 11:55 AM EDT

NSA whistleblower/leaker Edward Snowden yesterday revealed to the South China Morning Post that he will stay in Hong Kong to fight likely attempts by the US to have him extradited. In an exclusive interview conducted from an undisclosed location, the former CIA analyst also leveled explosive claims that the US government had been hacking into computers in Hong Kong and on the mainland for years. Foreign Policy takes us Inside the NSA’s Ultra-Secret China Hacking Group. Google has revealed how it shares info with the feds. Reuters reports the feds hunted for Snowden in the days before the leak. And Rep. Peter King wants Snowden’s initial outlet punished – specifically calling for legal action against The Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald. King said (speaking of the First Amendment) that “no right is absolute” and that Greenwald had clearly crossed a line, Politico reports.

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