IRS Agent – Orders Came “from the Top,” Obama Aides Dismiss Scandals as “Irrelevant”

Mon May 20, 2013 AT 9:32 AM EDT

The Washington Post reports an IRS agent from the Cincinnati office at the heart of the scandal points to Washington, “Everything comes from the top,” the anonymous whistle-blower says. “We don’t have any authority to make those decisions without someone signing off on them. There has to be a directive.”

On the Fox News Sunday, Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer dismissed inquiries over the president’s whereabouts during the Benghazi terror attack the night of September 11, 2012 as an “irrelevant fact,” reports the Weekly Standard.  Asked about whether the president entered the Situation Room, Pfeiffer says, “I don’t remember what room the president was in on that night, and that’s a largely irrelevant fact.” When the conversation turned to talking points, Pfeiffer claimed it was “irrelevant” who edited the Benghazi talking points. Finally, when asked whether he thought the IRS actions violated the law: Pfeiffer replied, “Look, I can’t speak to the law here,” just before he does:  “The law is irrelevant.”

Meanwhile, Politico  reports Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn called out the Obama administration on Sunday for what he believes is a “culture of cover-ups.” See Bob Woodward let loose on the Obama administration concerning Benghazi on Sunday’s Meet The Press here.

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