New ‘Gang of 8’ Drops Huge Immigration Bill

Tue Apr 16, 2013 AT 2:32 PM EDT

The New York Times reports the details of the massive immigration proposal released by a bi-partisan group of eight senators. Among other things, the bill would:

  • Create a 13-year path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
  • Require the Department of Homeland Security to tighten border security through increased enforcement and extended fencing, including $5.5 in spending
  • The path to citizenship would not occur until DHS tightened security
  • All employers would have to verify the legal status of new hires
  • The federal government would have to create an electronic system to track foreigners as they leave the country
  • Green cards would be awarded on a merit-based point system allowing immigrants with skills and education to move to the front of the line
  • Triple the number of temporary visas available to technology and science workers
  • Create a five year path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children

The Washington Post notes that Sen. Marco Rubio is going all-in on his support for the bill – the first big gamble of his career.

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