Obama Ignored Warning Three Years Ago that Website Would Fail

Tue Nov 5, 2013 AT 6:00 AM EST

Harvard Prof. David Cutler, a key advisor on the Obama 2008 presidential campaign, warned the White House in stark terms three years ago that the President’s health care policy did not “understand the president’s vision (for ObamaCare) or have the capability to carry it out.” Cutler’s memo advised President Obama and his top advisors that they needed people who understood politics, bureaucracy, and who knew how to “start and build a business,” reports CBS. Meanwhile, NBC reports that just 17 percent of the uninsured attempted to browse the failed ObamaCare website in October. And, it’s not just the federal website that’s having problems, however. In Vermont, their health care reforms have been delayed after the governor invoked a “safety valve” due to problems with their state-run exchange.


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