ObamaCare Employer Mandate Delayed Until After Mid-Term Elections

Wed Jul 3, 2013 AT 10:01 AM EDT

The Obama administration has opted to delay the implementation of ObamaCare’s employer mandate—the requirement that all firms with 50 or more employees provide health coverage, or pay steep fines—until 2015, Forbes reports. The administration said it would postpone the provision after hearing significant implementation concerns from employers, according to the Washington Post. The Hill points out it also means that the consequences of the controversial healthcare reform’s key requirements will be delayed until after the 2014 midterms, when ObamaCare is expected to be a key issue for vulnerable Democrats. Meanwhile, the L.A. Times is reporting, the nation’s largest health insurer, UnitedHealth Group Inc., is leaving California’s individual health insurance market, the second major company to exit in advance of major changes under ObamaCare.

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