Russia Masses Troops Near Ukraine, McCain Blasts GOP ‘Don’t Call Yourself Reagan Republicans’

Fri Mar 14, 2014 AT 8:53 AM EDT

Just days before a voters in Crimea are set to vote on a secession referendum, Russia has amassing score of troops and armored vehicles on Ukraine’s eastern border, reports the New York Times. While Ukraine’s interim government fears an invasion, a bill to offer aid has stalled in the United States Senate, causing Sen. John McCain to lash out at his Republican colleagues, details the Washington Post. “You can call yourself Republicans. That’s fine because that’s your voter registration. Don’t call yourself Reagan Republicans,” McCain said. “Ronald Reagan would never – would never let this kind of aggression go unresponded to by the American people.” Finally, John Kerry told a Senate committee that “a very serious series of steps” would be taken on Monday if Russia does not back down, but did not elaborate on what those steps would be. 

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