October 2020

Trump Team Reinforces Fundamental Reality: China Must Change

For the second time in six months, President Donald Trump’s deputy national security adviser, Matt Pottinger, has delivered a major speech on China in fluent Mandarin. Both talks targeted the Chinese people to the extent the message made it over Communist China’s Great Firewall. (In Mandarin, he also congratulated the people of Taiwan in May on their seventh successful democratic […]

September 2019

Trump: Democrats ‘Not Big Believers in Religion’

(AP) President Donald Trump claimed during his Monday night rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, that the Democratic Party does not put much stock in religion and that their attempts to appeal to religious voters are ineffective. “The other side, I don’t think they’re big believers. They’re not big believers in religion, that I can tell […]

August 2018

The Truth Will Set Us All Free

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was star-crossed from the start. His friend and successor as FBI director, James Comey, by his own admission prompted the investigation — with the deliberate leaking of classified memos about his conversations with President Donald Trump to the press. Mueller then unnecessarily stocked his team with what the press called […]

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