We’re Supposed to Believe GOP Had Great Election Night Except for President?

Thu Nov 5, 2020 AT 1:42 PM EST

Since Joe Biden was picked to be the Democratic Party’s presidential puppet, we have been told he would win the presidency by a blowout. Political media has been speculating eagerly about another “blue wave” that would wash over the nation in line with their preposterous polls showing Biden winning by as much as 17 or even more points.

Two weeks before the election, the “nonpartisan” Cook’s Political Report predicted an expanded Democrat majority in the House, a “net gain of five to 10 seats to a gain of between five and 15 seats.” On Election Day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrat campaign chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos predicted Democrats “would not only defend gains made in 2018 but flip districts thought to be in safe Republican territory.” Read Full Story

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