What if ‘Ukraine Invasion’ Was a Hoax?

Tue Feb 15, 2022 AT 11:34 AM EST

What if the idea of Russia invading Ukraine is a hoax? What if it’s just Russia doing what Russia loves doing — saber rattling — and nothing else? What if the Western governments scrambling now to “prevent war” know this and are hoping the whole situation serve as a distraction from the various “Freedom Convoys” forming around the world to protest oppressive and ineffective government actions related to COVID-19?

Joe Biden needs a distraction from a lot of things, inflation being chief among them. It makes sense that he’s spewing things in such a panicked way that even the president of Ukraine is confused by it. You’d think the leader of the country “on the verge” of being invaded would be sounding the loudest alarm, but he’s not. The American president is.

Joe needs a “victory” of some sort, something to make him seem effective and tough, something his handlers think will wash the taste of Afghanistan out of our collective mouths. It won’t work. Read Full Story

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