What Press Is Leaving Out About Arizona Election Audit

Thu Sep 30, 2021 AT 10:51 AM EDT

The ethical corruption of our national news media has extended to a degree that once would have seemed unimaginable. We were exposed to yet another remarkable example with the reporting on the long-awaited audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Arizona.

Widespread election fraud had been suspected in Maricopa County, the largest in the state, and the state legislature authorized a thorough forensic investigation. A draft of the election report was leaked to the press last week, and every news outlet quickly released selectively chosen details. The message was straightforward. The audit proved that Joe Biden had actually won the state’s presidential election by even more than originally reported and thoroughly discredited charges of election fraud.

While the audit did find that a hand-recount of all of the original ballots did widen Joe Biden’s margin by several hundred votes, the press deliberately and steadfastly ignored and left unreported the most critical results of the draft audit… Read Full Story

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