Signs of Dem Desperation as Legislators Bypass Biden’s Commission to Introduce Court-Packing Legislation

Thu Apr 15, 2021 AT 1:09 PM EDT

Why have a group of congressional Democrats symbolically flipped the bird to “the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States” that President Biden created by executive order only 6 days ago?  Andrea Widburg has an excellent blog on these pages today on the announcement and its place in the broader plan of the Dems to alter the institutional framework of governance so as to ensure permanent Democrat majorities.

That group of purported “experts” appointed by Biden’s executive order was stacked to likely yield a result congenial to expanding the court so as to hand a rubber stamp majority to the Dems, as Bloomberg reported:

“The commission skews left, with progressives holding a 3:1 ratio to conservatives, according the Ilya Shapiro, of the libertarian Cato Institute think tank. (snip)

“The panel also leans heavily on professors, with just a handful of members whose experience isn’t primarily in legal or political academics. Moreover, approximately 80% are graduates or otherwise affiliated with just two schools—Harvard and Yale.” Read Full Story

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